It may seem like a bad idea to tell someone to get revenge on you, but Cary gets bored easily and invites anything that prevents that. I also really like her little motive rant at the end there.
Chapter 17: Things Get Much Worse
Oi, poor Cora. (Yes, Cora Coral, she knows….) We’ll see more of what became of her and Jack later, but this was NOT fun.
I really like the line “Just turning to women isn’t enough.” It’s not enough for Cary’s crazy plan, and it’s not enough for most transformation stories either. That is the vanilla of transformation stories. You gotta have something beyond that…and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The Valley Curse (or the Sunset Island Curse, as it’s known here) has different effects on people. Some people get taller or shorter, etc. or their hair changes a bit…it’s not a direct cloneage of who they were as a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
First panel was kind of important; this is Cary exploiting a security weakness, not just taking out the one and only boat patrolling the island. Also: Cary ordinarily would never raise a hand against a comrade, but as we’ll soon[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I don’t really like that beard on Male!Cary…I was half-tempted to edit it out of this version. Also: Sorry for delay, I had to do a bunch of stuff. Thanksgiving Week and the prior clean-up for guests kicked my ass.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ch 17, Page 09 (BW)
Focusing on colorizing next page since it’s, uh, more “whammy” and less “talky” like this one…geh… Also: I kinda wish I had broken this page up into two pages, in hindsight. First cutoff would be the line about how Cary[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
This is one of my most favorite pages in the entire history of Dragon Doctors. I was debating right until the last second how Cary would act, and this version won out and I love it. Smart, seemingly random but[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Had to spend a little time colorizing this from the old sketch, still not sure I like it…but here it is: the Girl Mafia, as a friend of mine called it.
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