It may seem like a bad idea to tell someone to get revenge on you, but Cary gets bored easily and invites anything that prevents that. I also really like her little motive rant at the end there.
It may seem like a bad idea to tell someone to get revenge on you, but Cary gets bored easily and invites anything that prevents that. I also really like her little motive rant at the end there.
This is only enhancing my rapidly growing cautious respect for Cary. The kind where you’d be willing to take their orders, but recognize that they’re a sociopath – Lawful Evil at its finest? I’m sure she wouldn’t appreciate the two-dimensionality of that, but it suits her reasonably well.
D&D’s alignment system is … well, deeply problematic. If I were the GM, I’d leave her as Chaotic Neutral — she hates and despises rigid organizations, rules and regulations, laws and moral strictures, she enjoys and thrives in unpredictability and anarchy, but while she has no qualms about hurting people, she’s not actually interested in hurting people just to hurt people.
Chaotic Neutral is specifically described with the words “Madmen are chaotic neutral.”
Only in the earlier editions, where they seemed of the opinion that a chaotic neutral person’s actions would literally be random.
In later editions they give the more reasonable characterisation that chaotic neutral people are simply unbound by any norms or mores.
No, I would say she’s more True Neutral with a strong leaning towards Lawful Evil. Yes, she enjoys s certain amount of chaos, but she predominantly does things a long a set of rules and morals of her own, without regard to society’s rules and morals, and she does it mostly for her own benefit. That mostly describes a Lawful Evil, but they tend to dislike things becoming chaotic and have problems imitating caring about others, which it doesn’t seem like Cary is truly imitating it but does truly dislike harming those who aren’t deserving of it in her eyes.
The magical violation of an entire town. Murder. Torture. Various other crimes.
Yep, she’s evil. She just happens to oppose someone worse.
What happens if she beats the greater evil?
I note that the list of things she can justify has almost no overlap with the things she did on the boat that day.
The arguing about character alignments? Heh – I can see the similarity. 🙂
(That’s a very astute observation about Cary, too.)
(“My junk improves people” would be a great name for a porn blog.)
I love how hard it is to argue with Cary… You got a good villain when it’s hard to argue with her logic.