This is one of my most favorite pages in the entire history of Dragon Doctors. I was debating right until the last second how Cary would act, and this version won out and I love it. Smart, seemingly random but able to justify her odd actions, ruthless but not heartless. Ordered chaos.
The thing is, with magic, his foot can be healed as good as new. So this act isn’t quite as horrible as it would be in our world, where he would never be the same again.
Not that Cary is particularly careful to avoid accidents that harm people outside her cadre.
Still is JUST AS PAINFUL as such a bullet to the foot would be in our world. But Cary seems to feel sorry about doing that step becuase well last time she didn’t the guy got loose and killed a good deal of her people. Which makes the whole shot the foot option all the more logical in her point of view.
Cary does take -some- care, however. She gets the idea that every horrible thing you do might be the event that gets someone with a vendetta coming after you. Yes, in her line of work, it’s going to happen anyway, but best to keep it to a minimum.
I don’t mean that she doesn’t try to avoid gratuitous collateral damage, but that she doesn’t allow for the unexpected in doing so. I guess I’m mostly thinking of the bit that’s coming up next.
True enough.
See, I would have shattered BOTH of his feet. There are plenty of real-life and fictional examples of Die Hard with a Shot Foot, but only a few real-life examples of Die Hard with No Functioning Feet (and yes, I do recall that John McClane walked through glass in bare feet. Pain can be pushed through; severed tendons and shattered carpals/tarsals, not so much).