UNDER CONSTRUCTION This will be the page where I list brief character bios so that new readers can catch up or remind themselves who the main cast is. I’ll put icons of their faces in here.
The Main Four:
Mori: Brilliant, logical, really 170 years old. Mori’s traveled around the world twice over, and decided that the best way to deal with the bizarre threats and strange diseases is to form a team of super-doctors who double as super-adventurers. Most of Mori’s skill is based around manipulating esoteric effects and diagnosis; her “anti-entropic” training lets her reverse the damage to people as well as objects, allowing her to repair damage to petrified people.
Sarin: Whimsical, arrogant, jokey, and powerful enough to slap your very soul. Sarin the Wizard specializes in transformation, meaning she could very well turn you into whatever she wanted. As a doctor that means she doubles as an aesthetician who can make you look like whatever you want, if the money’s right. She spent a lot of time transformed into a tree as a kid and keeps her hair green to remember that. Her favorite non-transformation spell is the one that makes people naked.
Kili: Emotionally sensitive but strong, Kili is the team’s shaman and psychotherapist. Her spiritual senses are so powerful that she needs those facial tattoos to block out the visions, and that white hair came about because she saw something utterly horrifying on the edge of existence as a kid. She can be counted on to provide stability and emotional healing long after all the physical wounds have been mended, but she’s still dealing with a lot of her own damage too.
Goro: The world’s greatest combat surgeon, who can cut you to pieces and then sew them back together again in one minute. Big, tough, hairy, proud, a real man among men! Until the valley curse, anyway. Goro’s had a rough time finding out what really makes her what she is after being stripped of the body she spent her whole life developing. No matter the size of Goro’s body, though, you can count on her kicking the ass of evil, and her decisive surgeon’s mind is equally good at cutting to the heart of the problems.
The Main Friends:
Aki: Aki started off the main plot by inviting the Dragon Doctors to Agri Valley–and got them all turned to women in the process. As an apology she’s become their assistant. She got particularly drawn to Goro and the two have become very, very close, and she’s become a fast friend with Tanica, making sure to read to her every day she’s a tree. Aki can be counted on to try to bring a little light into people’s lives.
Tanica: A bitter assassin lady was hired to kill a patient of the Dragon Doctors, but an accident turned her into a tree planted in front of the clinic. The DDs were legally obligated to take care of her until she could be turned back, and constantly interacting with her has slowly melted her icy heart. She’s gotten so used to the idea that she has no future that she has no idea what to do if she were turned loose.
Inspector Blue:
Other Very Important People:
Well! Don’t think we had one of these before…
(Although even though they’re not of the doctors, I’m surprised Aki, Greg, and Elka don’t count as “main characters”…)
They’re next.
Have you thought about what degree of spoilers to include on this page? The most straightforward solution would be to go ahead and include them, of course.
I’m probably going to include…a lot of stuff but perhaps not gigantic reveals. Then again this is not (yet) a comic where there have been too many shocking reveals like Sarin was secretly Demon X the whole time. Since transformation is a theme I’d like each character to have a multi-portrait showing off their various appearances throughout the series.
That makes sense. Character pages usually contain spoilers, anyway.
If nothing else, it probably shouldn’t be the case that Mori is “her” while “Tanica” is still a tree…
I thought Sarin’s green hair was a permanent side-effect of the tree spell, not by choice.
The line surprised me, too, but it makes sense — magic to prevent you changing your hair color would probably have to be pretty sophisticated.
Unless the magic to prevent you from changing your hair color is “having been a tree was such a pivotal life-changing experience that I don’t want to change my hair color.” Which is still pretty sophisticated, you must admit.
It’s by choice NOW because Sarin’s a master of shapeshifting magic. She can be whoever she wants. Remember her/his hair wasn’t green when momentarily copying Rina.
Ah, so it first /was/ a side effect but now it’s just a thing she chooses to do. Coolio, was never that clear to me on this issue.
あなたがここに書いた魅力的な 対象トピック 実際にはかなり非常に それは。私はこれに関連するが、私はないんだけど、真実思う感触が 良い もっとたくさんについて、そして適切 プロの頭の中の他の人古い諺にあるのと同じように