Hurt me left arm last weekend…but I managed to draw something before that! First thing I drew in over a month!
Thanks for keeping me going, guys. Friends, fans and total strangers have all helped me.
EDIT: Oh, yeah, I’m going to Indiana Comicon! If you’re around, I’ll be there! This’ll help make up for my negated vacation last month.
Sorry to hear you got hurt, but glad to hear you’re feeling better. I’m very much looking forward to the next strip, but still encourage you to take whatever amount of time you need.
Yeah, hang in there, friend. I mean, not by your left arm, because I assume it needs to heal. But, you know. In a figurative sense. Best wishes, get well soon, go at your own pace. That’s generally the best of paces.
It’s always something, isn’t it? Congrats on your perseverance and not letting the injury to your arm keep you from doing what you (and we) love.
Let your injury heal. We’ll wait.
Have a good trip – and catch you on the flip side!
Just get better and stronger. just don’t hulk out ok? xD
well have fun! we will be waiting. π
Get well at your own pace, and may your health keep steadily going up.
Dang, sorry to hear that. Keep hanging in there, get some rest, and enjoy the trip.
Have a nice con, Speedball! I hope you’ll feel better afterwards. And remember: Your health, both physical and mental, is a thing of the top importance.
Don’t give up. If you do so, whoever pushed you into the depression, wins.
Ouch. Hope it’s not all that bad. Arm injuries can be quite a pain. (And I mean “annoying”, not the literal meaning. Though that of course can and often will be true as well.)
Hey, have fun in Indiana!
…I know the convention’s over, but I wanted to wish you well belatedly.
It’s fine! I’m LAYING OUT A COMIC FOR THE FIRST TIME IN WEEKS! YESSSSS! It’ll probably be up sometime tomorrow!
Great! Looking forward to it.
Okay, real life intruded AGAIN but the comic is layed out at least and also sketched, which is more than I can say for most.
Fair enough! Take your time with it, quality always comes first.
Short version, mom got sick and then so did I. BLAAAH. And I have to work this weekend. Still working on comic too…one tiny line at at a time..