Whew…I *have* been taking it easy these past few weeks. Just barely starting to get into coloring again. This is awful, it’d be like being unable to enjoy eating ice cream or something due to an illness. But I’ll make it through. Thank you.
Whew…I *have* been taking it easy these past few weeks. Just barely starting to get into coloring again. This is awful, it’d be like being unable to enjoy eating ice cream or something due to an illness. But I’ll make it through. Thank you.
Just keep on fighting, don’t let those demons win.
No apology necessary. Depression is not a minor thing, or anything to apologize for either.
No problem. just take care of yourself man. we will be waiting. 🙂
I am glad that you drew a smiling face on your self-portrait. Some days, the small victories are the only ones we achieve. Keep persevering and know that you have us in your corner.
Hmmm … would some jokes help you smile or does it not work that way?
Taking it easy’s better than taking it hard. By all means, take all the easy you need.
Seconded. 🙂
I suggest Depression Comix by Clay.
*Hugs* Take care of yourself, dude. You’re not alone – I think a lot of your readers have been through what you have. Heck, I know I have. Is there anything we can do to help?
A few years ago, I developed a bunch of allergic sensitivities which gave me a chronically inflamed throat that then triggered sleep-apnea which then totally wiped out my energy. I would often wake up in the morning more tired than when I went to bed.
At that time, I had been working on video projects for my youtube channel, but without restful sleep my stress levels just kept building and building and building until I began to dread and avoid things I had previously been eager to do.
Having no energy is a pain in the butt, and I totally understand its impact and consequences.
Just take the time you need, Speedy. We’ll be here.
One step after another and suddenly you’ll find yourself on top of the mountain with the great view. Take care, buddy!
Depression’s not a thing I suffer. Anxiety on the other hand, well, I can’t recall the last time I didn’t feel a tightness and tension in my chest. Not sure that gets better, but at least a person can get used to it.
Anyway, best of luck to you. Wait, what the heck? This isn’t my email address. Who left themselves logged in this computer? Too lazy to change it.
I hope you’ll get better soon, Speed. If you getting bullied at workplace, maybe it’s time to change job? That what I would do. But probably it’s because I’m a weird, weird sqid. Maybe, I don’t know, start making videogames? There are lots of tools that require very little programming (unless you can code, then I’d recommend getting Unity – it’s awesome).
Anyway, I hope you’ll get better soon. I’d hate if you’d kill yourself because some idiot was insulting you and putting you through hell.
Protip: Whoever makes that depression stronger, wants you to kill yourself. Make him or her angry by living despite of it. Go outside. If you’re near some park or forest, plan going to it all day long, nature helps as well. But most importantly, keep on living, darnit!
Best regards,
Sam Starfall.
Wasn’t bullied at workplace. Making video games sounds neat but it’d require a lot of retooling my skill set, heh. RPG maker, I guess. 😛
I WILL LIVE! Gonna rally myself tonight.
Ya know, a Dragon Doctors RPG would be hella awesome.