Not necessarily a return to status quo; they are, after all, quite different than they were starting out, and not just because of the colors.
Not necessarily a return to status quo; they are, after all, quite different than they were starting out, and not just because of the colors.
Well it’s true!
…I mean, how else can I explain why I’m laughing so much? 😛
Hah. xD
Wait… Did Kili’s breasts actually go “Pop!”? I don’t know whether to laugh or go curl up in a corner.
Maybe the spell just makes a popping sound… I dunno, it seemed like the type of sound effect that was appropriate. Sorry.
There is something really creepy about Saring face in the last panel – can’t pin it down though.
That’s just her inner Loki shining through. 😉
I’ve always loved the trickster gods.
Transformations ahoy!
Heh. Yeah! Funny.
Pop goes their manhood?
I’m a big fan of the last panel. Sarin’s smile is better rendered and looks more intense than usual; it really gives me the impression that she knew exactly how Mori would react and was looking forward to it, which brings the joke home.