Whew. Sorry. I had to FIGHT to get this one to you. I wouldn’t blame you all for abandoning me at this point.
22. Fallout
Heh. I like this one. Guys, you would not BELIEVE the week I had. Home repair, car troubles, and more. Woulda had the time and energy to have this DONE by now otherwise. Still trying to get a micro-buffer up[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Wow, an amazing rendition of Chimera Fairy Pixie Catgirl Goro by Merlin! Thanks Merlin, and thank you all for being so good to me!
RRRGH, sorry guys, a combination of my illness and sudden work assignments conspired to keep me from finishing this comic right now. It’s meant to be a bigger than normal one. Here’s a sample. Sorry.
BW version up early for earlybirds. Almost as good as I used to be. Have I mentioned how great it is that you fans have been so patient with me during this period of painful recovery? You have. You’ve been[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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