Wow, an amazing rendition of Chimera Fairy Pixie Catgirl Goro by Merlin! Thanks Merlin, and thank you all for being so good to me!
Wow, an amazing rendition of Chimera Fairy Pixie Catgirl Goro by Merlin! Thanks Merlin, and thank you all for being so good to me!
This is wonderful and fantastic. 😀
Amazing Merlin artwork as always. Thank you for sharing it with us!
nice one. good gift for sure. 🙂
Hunh, someone beat me to it.
OMG can I see it anyway? PLEASE?
Of course, as soon as it’s done! Fair warning, I’m slow as molasses… but you shouldn’t have long to wait.
Joe, you are a wonderful human being, take as long as you like.
JUST SO EVERYONE KNOWS: we are doing some serious housework over here and that means I won’t be able to make comics over the weekend like I want to. UGH. I’ll try for a Tuesday or Wednesday update.
Well she’s cute.
Wow. I don’t remember Goro being this much of a Shrinking Violet, but it’s a nice likeness.
Hey, best part about her new form: No clothing needed! 😀
I will address this in the future, haha. She’s got so much fur she basically just needs something with pockets and a sports bra.
Is she really busty enough to need a sports bra? Hm. (Methinks you’ve seen Jay Naylor’s Trixie character, heh.)
… Wait, would that even be kosher? We haven’t seen “furclad” characters before, have we? Then again Priscilla was working in the nude for a while and didn’t get in too much trouble, and the crystal people aren’t harassed for it, so… merf?