Merlin drew this amazing five-year anniversary page, celebrating Five Years of Dragon Doctors! Can you pick out every character that’s appeared in the comic so far? Hahahaha. This was so amazing I printed and passed out about fifteen copies at the convention I was visiting with my friend just for fun. (I had to warn them that my usual stuff is nowhere near this good, but hey…)
Thanks all for your continued patience, every single positive comment, every single piece of advice (either art-wise or writing-wise, lord knows I need them both, badly) and everyone who helped me through this this far. Thanks to Merlin for the site, the art, the support, and the feedback. Thanks to Afeldspar who has helped me out with many hard writing decisions during many hours of shoptalk. Thanks to each and every one of my regular fans who love to examine and over-examine my work. Thanks also to the folks who rigorously update the comic’s TV Tropes page! I couldn’t do it without ANY of you; you are all indispensable for helping Dragon Doctors continue.
Been feeling very, very sick lately, but this image invigorates me and makes me realize how far I’ve come. Progress on the restoration/completion of chapter 12 continues. I have also sketched out more of the wedding chapter. Shall be fuuuun. Next step: The world!
I can’t express myself in words real well about how much I love The Dragon Doctors, but honestly the writing is top-notch and I adore the various character designs in a way that I can only really express by drawing them. Over and over again if necessary.
I’m excited to see the unfinished older pages getting finished, but I’ll be so excited to see everything finally uploaded and how the wedding chapter goes :3
And what an amazing half-a-decade it has been. Thank you so much Speed.
I noticed that some of the Trsanti aren’t there. I wanted to see the two love-birds!
Every time I look at this, I try to count how many of them I recognize. Right now, I can tell who all but three of them are, and one of them might just be do to bad memory (i.e., the girl in the top right corner). The other two are the blonde girl to the left and side of Amy Jones, and whoever’s beside her.
Oh wait, I found her. The girl in the cloak. Ch 17, P 37. “Shifty.”
Are the last two you were looking for Sierra and Simone from “A Small Issue”? That guest comic hasn’t been reposted here (yet).
I’m not sure where to put it! Forgive me.
I was assuming it would go in Extras – although, now that I think of it, I don’t know how you’d make it easy to page through the comic if it was.
Yup, that would be them! Thank you!
I like how everyone living who’s in a position to see Preston is just like “who invited THAT guy?”.
Long-overdue congratulations on sticking with the story for so long! I’m nowhere near finished with the archives, and still looking forward to following this comic into the future.