Whew…sorry, busy week and busy weekend kept me from finishing this but here’s the rough. Fun having someone tell off Cary once in a while, heh!
Whew…sorry, busy week and busy weekend kept me from finishing this but here’s the rough. Fun having someone tell off Cary once in a while, heh!
I don’t think a sob story is going to the change the facts that you are a bad person…
Well put.
I’m glad Cary might actually have listened.
Always cathartic to see someone taken down a peg or two. At least when they’re on a villainous high horse!
Scenes like this are why I love this comic, but I think I’m missing part of the background. I think the Doctors first got in Cary’s way when they helped Blue take down the seer and exposed police corruption, and then she told them she was fighting demons no one else knew about.
The “before” she’s referring to could be the original harvest stone from Ch. 1, but I don’t remember seeing the ramifications of that. Doesn’t seem like much of a solution anyway, only succubi feed off of men and we’ve seen incubi in town that can effect women just as easily.
Chapter 11 says the current time is around 625 4b, and Chapter 17 says Cary stole the harvest stone in 605 4b to both ‘cure’ victims of the succubus (because her thing didn’t affect women) and to drive away the incubus (whom the harvest stone would kill). The idea was that no incubus means no incubus victims and no men means no succubus victims, and as far as Cary could tell that worked right up until the harvest stone was destroyed.
Does that all make sense?
Yes, it makes perfect sense. I had just forgotten about it. Sorry for doubting you Speedball, you’re a brilliant writer.
Glad my explanation cleared things up for you.
“only succubi feed off of men and we’ve seen incubi in town that can effect women just as easily.”
Wasn’t it stated that ANY type of demon would die instantly when near the stone, because reasons?
Physical ones, yes. Ones living inside people’s heads, or affecting people through “voices” and inherent compulsion, are completely unaffected. Incubus-controlled agents can go into areas controlled by harvest stones and wreck havok quite easily if they want to.
I have a comment in moderation because it has two links on it, but as far as I can tell Cary’s idea was that (a) intrinsically male demons, such as incubi, do not have female essence and therefore die horribly when their male essence is extracted, and (b) the succubus can’t affect anyone whose male essence has been extracted.
As uhl points out, this doesn’t deal with other demons or with incubus-controlled agents … but, well, Cary’s not as clever as she thinks she is.
Ah crap! When I get home and can log in I’ll unmoderate the comment!
Thanks! No rush.
Wow! This strip really grabs my attention.
I’m guessing it involves killing people and laughing at them?
Get told! good. even mad “gods” needs to listen once in while