(Preview version up early. Thanks for sticking with me, folks. I got a new kitty, who is so good and has helped me find a lot of strength to focus on finishing this comic.)
(Preview version up early. Thanks for sticking with me, folks. I got a new kitty, who is so good and has helped me find a lot of strength to focus on finishing this comic.)
And, as well all know, Cary reacts to unfortunate events in her life in a calm, cool, and collected manner. o_o
(Looking forward to the colors on this one.)
Yay colors! I like the lighting effect on Mori’s magic.
….a logical target I hadn’t thought of, and one that vastly complicates matters.
Okay, I got distracted by someone needing something delivered halfway across town, twice, so the comic got interfered with AGAIN. Pfft. Haha.
Oh my. This is a very dangerous power, and Mori should probably be thinking of ways that Cary’s girlfriend could survive until help arrives.
Which the demon will promptly ignore. The demon will only make the WORST possible things happen.
Does the demon have that much control? Or is there a way to take that control from the demon? ;D
The demon has that much control. As for taking that control away? Who knows.
What a twist!
Called it!
Cary’s girlfriend? Ok, yeah. Sure other people’s friends and family getting roasted is all in good fun, but hers? Yeah. As if Cary wasn’t unstable to begin with.
In other words: The perfect target.
not to mention rebellions live and die by their supporters, her girlfriend is her greatest supporter and a symbol to all the others, Cary is the avatar of rebellion but no rebellion can survive without its supporters – it just falls apart- the question is, how violently.
Ah it makes more sense.. and it is a scary thought that Cary can be.. tricked.
this brings up the “there might be two Auric sparks on Earth” thing, if you take the criteria and abilities from ch-18 page 30, its not hard to see that Mori actually meets them as well, in programming (in relation to AI development in particular) self modifying code is considered the holy grail, the root problem is that it has to run while it’s changing, which can cause the whole thing to crash, the level Mori accomplished this on is incredible for any intelligence, and she has been a driving force of change all her life. Mori is a second Auric
Sarin could also fit that bill though. powerful wizard, to the point of defeating someone so powerfull that she constantly has people trying to get her in on world altering plans. style of magic is practically incarnation of change and creativity.