The full version should be up soon, but I still have health issues. It’s been trying times and I’m so sorry, everyone. It tears me up when I can’t update.
EDIT: THANK YOU ALL! I’m slowly getting better, though I still have health problems, especially this week, compounded with depression. GUH. But I’m pulling out of this nose dive thanks to you all. I read each and every one of your comments a dozen times! I’ll reward you soon!
Sarin takes relaxation very seriously. As well she should.
You will be relaxed. So Sarin has decided.
But the demon seems to have fucked her up badly. I fear the white skin is only the most harmless part of the whole thing.
Fuck realityphages.
Don’t worry about it Speed. Just take care of yourself.
Dude, take as good of care of yourself as Sarin does of Mori.
follow sarin’s advice we all know she (he?) would say to relax. anything fun you haven’t taken the time to do for a while?
Word number 1, tell your doctor everything.
Word number 2, ask lots of questions, even if it’s something you know, or think you know already.
Word number 3, do [b]exactly[/b] what the doctor tells you, especially in regards to medication.
Word number 4, if you have any problems or issues after you leave, call him back.
Word number 5, if you can’t get answers on word number 2, get a second opinion.
> instead of ] on this comment page.
Hang in there. We’re all rooting for you.
ok, that’s one hellish day down. I’ll try to make it up to all of you.
Don’t forget to make it up to yourself though!
have some fun
I get the idea they’re going to regret this, one way or another.
Hey Speedball, I was wondering where in the archives the story arc about the guy?? who goes in for a species transformation thingy and gets turned into a blue foxy thing? He was really upbeat and his friend was there to I think. Sorry I can’t be more specific, but that’s all I remember about it! Really great comic, by the way. Don’t think I’ve ever commonted that before. Thanks for taking the time to make these comics!!
Are you talking about the “A Small Issue” guest chapter? I don’t think it was transferred over from the archives on The Duck (formerly known as Drunk Duck).
Merlin and I aren’t sure where exactly to archive it. I loved that thing though!
Just put it in the EXTRAS-section for the time being. People should find it there.
Good thinking, need to make an album of that.
Well i do have moments like Sarin. “fuck this. i am out of here.” moment. but they are rare and i don’t think my Work would approve of me just leaving. xD
Speedball, take good care of yourself, that is most important thing for you to do. The reason I quit making webcomics and then writing after short period of “new chapter every day” sorta thing, is because of other… commitments. My point is that you need to take care of you first and foremost and then think about getting us new comics. All true fans like me will support whatever decision you’ll make on this subject.
Anyway, now I’m making a game (3D platformer). If you click link down below, you’ll get to the devlog on this. I plan to start a IndieGoGo campaign after I have workable demo (I’d hate myself if I’d start it without having anything to show, anything playable that is!) and I’d love if you support me when it starts.
Devlog on my game:
Ooh, even the simplest games are hard to develop. I don’t have a huge following and I don’t have a lot of spare cash (I barely make gas money off of DD) but I’ll see what I can do to signal-boost you if you want, that is the very least I could do. Thank you! Let me know how else I can help you.
Also thanks for that advice. It’s good advice. I’m taking it slow but also trying not to be TOO slow, because I hurt inside if I don’t make something new.
making new comic NOW!
We appreciate everything you give us as a gift. Each update should be a source of pride, not a dodged disappointment! Remember, even empty space can give rise to something beautiful, so don’t knock it! It’s part of the creative process. Your imagination’s always working. Sometimes distraction is the time during which your comic becomes even better than what it otherwise might have been, having ripened in the soil of passive thought.
haha, advice from the master, right here! I’ll commit this to memory.
Thank you, Joe. This means a lot to me.
Looks good!
Very good in fact.
Good coloring. Their clarity really stands out. Did you do something different? I like it.
If I did something different, I’m not sure. Maybe just wallowing in self-hate made my cartooning skills better, haha.
Next comic will have a minor crowd scene. I think I DO hate myself. Expect it friday!
Please don’t hate yourself Speedball. I sincerely hope you’re joking and know it. Self-hate is not the answer.
Oh yes, colour’s up! Looks lovely, the palette works fantastic!