Ch 21, Page 18 Jan24 by Speedball on January 24, 2015 at 11:59 am Chapter: 21. Never Good Enough “THAT is the purpose of the goggles!” So sorry for being behind schedule this week, folks.
Oh shit.
The goggles actually did something.
The goggles! They- …work really well, actually…
Twice in one day! People just really want to attack Elka today!
(No worries on the update schedule – this is awesome.)
Oh, crap, she’s going after Greg! (I misparsed the comic pre-colors.)
Aaand the lack of training for members of her old organisation Elka once mentioned shows. Bad move, should have seen that one coming.
I Wonder if that Black matter is a demon about to take over Elka’s body. if so. oh boy…. O.o
<..> <.< Psychonauts. Raz' goggles are not just for decoration.
It’s ambassador worm!
Good referencing. 5 star.