(next full comic Saturday, mid-day)
Hahaha, I was in a real bad mood all day today until I drew this character. Blame my depression for why you don’t already have this in full color, sorry.
(next full comic Saturday, mid-day)
Hahaha, I was in a real bad mood all day today until I drew this character. Blame my depression for why you don’t already have this in full color, sorry.
Oops! You just gave away the WRONG bit of info little miss villain!
On the contrary, she gave away the right one, she’s being mind controlled, at least partially, so she can’t make a direct resistance, but telling people who can everything they need to know, nothing is stopping her.
Hmm. That is a possibility that I hadn’t considered. Either way, revealing the gate and its power source for what it is the wrong decision for her, and the right one for our heroes.
My money’s on “absent-minded professor,” not necessarily even aware she’s mind-controlled in favor of “The Science.”
…. I was not expecting my theory of what they were doing with her to be… proven right within a 24 hour period.
Also mhalpern you bring up an interesting point. When Incubus and Succubus controlled people to hurt the doctors they were posing as loved ones. So there was the demon’s inherent mind control mixed with loving feelings. Here we have someone who is enslaved to perform and performing a function. without doing an archive crawl I recall Carrie’s gang when cursed mentioned not having Succubus in the back of their head controlling them. Meaning some level of autonomy, but bound to her will. Wither or not she’s blabbing because she wants to or because she’s the type to would depend on how active the control was at all times. Background voice that can be connected to main self vs semi sentient echo lurking in the back of the head I think?
My present hypothesis is that the mind control just designated “protect the incubus” as the proper thing to do, and – in her case – did not include “hide his presence from his enemies”. Because she normally would not be dealing with same.
I don’t think she really gets that those two even are enemies. She’s so absorbed by her task that she does not pay any real attention to anything else.
Least they know who’s ass to kick now.
Subdue the engineer, fully trash the machine should do the trick for a start.
interessing details. let’s hope our heroes will figure it out.