AAAUGH ELKA! Not even the return of the best spell ever will make that look good!
(also I have like three or four pages that need to be colorized, so I’m having a COLORIZATION DAY YAAAY)
AAAUGH ELKA! Not even the return of the best spell ever will make that look good!
(also I have like three or four pages that need to be colorized, so I’m having a COLORIZATION DAY YAAAY)
What a blast! : D *brick’ed*
just hoping it is the bad guy not the poor woman
I can’t believe I actually forgot about Equipment Failure.
Yeah, that brings back memories…
That would probably be Carry with her “Rebellion” power.
Wasn’t Elka brought back with Phoenix Fire?
Yes. Yes, she was.
And also.
Which begs the question if she even can be harmed with fire (the last panel is not fully clear on that due to the sheer amount of it, which of course creates quite a cliffhanger for this page). Or if such damage, if it is done, would be permanent or would just rejuvenate her. Seeing as she is (see second link) quasi more phoenix than human now.
Even if she is invulnerable to fire though, it would still be quite understandable for her to scream in panic when bathed in it this way. Especially since she’d probably not be aware of her immunity yet.
Also I don’t expect any clothes or other gear she’s wearing to be resistant as well.
Ooh, colors!
I was wondering if maybe Elka picked up on some of blue baby’s (Priscilla’s) former recursive spell autocasting. The person on fire in the last frame is Elka, with the purple button on her collar.
Oh it was Elka? but.. she would just recover from that because of the phoniex fire in her body. won’t it make her stronger or simple immune to fire?
A face full of fire will just ruin your day.