Sorry for lateness. As you may have guessed, I’ve been exhausted lately. I slept through most of the weekend, and I’ve been feeling VERY depressed lately.
Sorry for lateness. As you may have guessed, I’ve been exhausted lately. I slept through most of the weekend, and I’ve been feeling VERY depressed lately.
Elka kinda looks pregnant in panel 6. That might need a bit of adjustment.
Ehh – I can see how it might look that way, but I don’t agree. I’d suggest fiddling with the pose before fiddling with the exact shape of the shirt, but I don’t think it needs fixing particularly.
It’s been fixed since this morning, she looked paunchier before.
Ah, gotcha! Sorry, Uhl!
Oh? she looks pretty dead.
and you need to take a break now. right now. We readers will be ok. your mental Health is far more important than us. so please take a break ok?
My mental health will improve once I get more comments from my viewers. They are the only people keeping me going. The less reaction I get the more I feel I am letting down, boring, or just plain LOSING everyone.
I don’t usually comment, but take your time. I like that you let us know what is going on and we will be here. You have a good story. 🙂
I keep forgetting to post comments on things. Thank you for the reminder.
(If I recall correctly, the ratio of “people reading the comic” to “people posting comments” is actually hella high – I don’t know if you check your Unique IPs/day, but….)
It is in most places, actually.
Ok. i don’t comment much because i prefer to enjoy to read comics.
i hope that you are feeling better now.
I’d comment, but it’s already at the stage where it takes longer to read the comments than the comic. Plus I’m archive-diving, so reading everything at once means a whole lot of not commenting. Blame Tailsteak. ;-]
I like Elka’s line in Panel 4. A lot of people don’t understand the difference between ‘fighting’ and ‘self-defense’ (the “Self-Defense” chapter of An Illustrated Guide to Law is very good), but I wouldn’t be surprised if Elka actually knew. She has a really incredible breadth of knowledge.
…huh. I swore I made a comment about Panel 4 – maybe it got caught in the spam filter.
What were you going to say?
It was something about Elka’s Genius Bruiser nature: I guess it would break down to two parts.
First, there’s a very restricted set of circumstances under which actions legally qualify as “self-defense”. If you read the webcomic The Illustrated Guide to Law, it goes over this pretty well, but the gist is that you have to restrain yourself to the minimum force that could reasonably keep you (or someone else – defense of others is generally covered in the same framework) safe. It seems very appropriate that Elka – who has an extraordinary breadth of knowledge – would be conscious enough of how difficult it is to meet that standard as to mention it explicitly.
Second, given that she is fighting someone who will act without concern for her own survival, it makes sense that Elka is not even considering holding back. Maybe she won’t be able to justify it legally (although it’ll probably turn out that she can – demons), but what she’s saying there tells me that she’s willing to accept a sentence for manslaughter – and willing to risk Blue’s death – if it means improving Kili’s chances of survival.
…um, note: as can be seen pretty clearly now that the original comment appeared, this isn’t actually a repost. Sorry about not flagging it as original content.
Please please pretty please don’t get depressed so much. I want more comics!
I check dragon doctors sometimes twice a day seeing if you’ve updated anything. And I’m doing this while I’m taking 19 hours at grad school. If you can’t tell, I’ve got a quiz and assignment due tomorrow, and an assignment and exam due the day after that.
Comments help?
I’ve read your comic for like a year now. I love it. I hope things go well for you. This plotline is a beautifully novel way of dealing with your demons.
Just to let you know that I definitely appreciate your comic, please continue to write/draw.
Ugh… it’s so hard making smart comments all the time. Maybe you should add a like button? For lazy asses like me? 🙂
Anyway, I really hope Priscilla is under a similar domination spell as the sniper guy. It would be really nasty if she’d really betrayed the dragon doctors. Though I can understand why she’d do it. Getting your mind deleted… I think in this setting I’d prefer death. At least that has a confirmed afterlife. With age regression “you” just stop to exist.
I’m pretty sure that’s what happened – Priscilla missed the wedding because this was her last chance to meet with her old friend, and I’m pretty sure that said ‘old friend’ was actually an incubus.
Don’t limit yourself to smart comments, then. Maybe Speedball would like even comments like “first!” 🙂
It’s writing dark stories (which you put everything into) that does what you’re describing is happening to you. It’s sorta like depression. I’ve seen a lot of my friends fall to it, actually, and wind up hating the thing they’re working on.
That’s why I only write short stories
Thank you so much for doing this comic, I’ve been enjoying it almost from the very first page. Please do yourself a favor and don’t burn yourself out doing it though. Take the time to take care of yourself, we’ll all still be here when you get back. 🙂
The next page will be Werewolf vs. Giant wood mecha