Right, I’m tired as hell because I just worked a 12-hour shift, but I want you to know that I have ALL of Friday off and will work on comic during it. And this is one panel from it.
What is that thing in her hand? Well…it’s kind of a visual pun, actually. (I’ll probably delete this page for archival purposes once I get the full comic up)
Well X is 10 and 9 dots is 9 so I will presume that’s 19, then 69, then a triangle (3), 5 point star, 7 point star, 8 point star a dot and a 6 point star, 10, 9, 69, 3, 5, 7, 8, 1, 6
I can be wrong on the 69
BZZT. It’s a magic square. The number of points, not lines, is what’s being counted.
Do you count inside corners as points?
You know, I accept that you don’t have time to recolor all B/W pages, but promising to delete some page and then not do it … 🙂
Not that this is bad page. I’m not sure why you want it deleted. But I find odd that you promised you do it and then didn’t without any explanation.