OKAY! I’m feeling better. I’m going to budget my time better and relax and colorize this bad boy because you all deserve to see it in color. It’s another exposition-dump, but I hope it’s not a boring one…
OKAY! I’m feeling better. I’m going to budget my time better and relax and colorize this bad boy because you all deserve to see it in color. It’s another exposition-dump, but I hope it’s not a boring one…
and if it’s opposite is linked to anyone, it’d be someone who was once completely powerless for about 2000 years.
I saw this comment when this page was posted and I only just got it NOW! WHY DO I HAVE TO BE SO BLIND????
Also, that’d be an interesting twist.
Oh, my. That would be an awesome twist.
When Rhina surged it was right after things gained normalcy for her…
Its opposite…
Blue? Or maybe some sort of robot?
I figured that Cary was an aspect of rebellion of some sort. I didn’t expect that “creative sparks” were a thing though, I figured she was just literally a personification of rebellion.
Not boring by a long shot 😀
ha!! called it divine/cosmic power !!! Well we know more about it now but was she born with it or did she have to pass a test our a rite/ritual to get it?
oh and that second to last panel has the potential to be really kick ass once its shaded and colored.
Arguably, Cary has been a crime lord long enough people should be rebelling against *her*.