When you get that offer from a skilled friend like Sarin (at least when they’re not obviously drunk), ALWAYS accept. You never know when you’re going to get Rule 63’d under unexpected circumcis- I mean, circumstances. Not going into it blind will usually be helpful, and (as Sarin and Kili noted) it gives you memories of a new perspective.
When you get that offer from a skilled friend like Sarin (at least when they’re not obviously drunk), ALWAYS accept. You never know when you’re going to get Rule 63’d under unexpected circumcis- I mean, circumstances. Not going into it blind will usually be helpful, and (as Sarin and Kili noted) it gives you memories of a new perspective.
I think Rina’s reason is a pretty good one, actually – you’re not going to profit much from an experience if you’re not in a mindset to.