On the advice of my friends and therapist, taking this at my own pace. Coloring/inking it one line at a time…
Probably going to have to go back to earlier uncolored pages in this chapter too. Sorry, heh heh…I miss being able to update three times a week. As soon as my mind is back in the right place, though, I will! Until then, thanks for sticking with me.
Also, Cary’s back.
Hah, I’ve always wondered about the instinct to throw yourself flat against a door after you close it because there’s something awful on the other side. I guess it’s because we want to “reinforce” it with body strength, but it always seems to end in tragedy when the monster or villain breaks it down.
I hope that’s not a structural wall.
Good to have you back. In my experience, minds are slippy* and rarely stay in the right place, but I wish you the best of luck with yours. Take all the time you need.
*That is /so/ a real word I just made up, stupid spell check.
Take whatever time you need Speedball. It’s your comic, take it at your pace.
*Cue ominous fallen hero music.*
You know, I have some theories about Cary, and her final fate in this arc. But… I’ll wait to see if they play out the way I think they might. ๐
Cary’s back! Dum Duh Dum Dum!
Oh crap!
She is the personification of revolution right?
I don’t dare to think of people who are the personification of order or chaos. either are good or evil. they just are. or depending on the personality on the “host. would they outrank or outpower Cary big time?
sorry just thinking aloud. but i am very interessed in that kind. dunno why. perhaps it is just awesome.
You can’t overpower Cary. You can OUTSMART her, yes. Overpower her? No.
Everyone can be overpowered. She’s still part of universe. If you destroy the universe …
Why should personification of Chaos fight her? They will be best buddies and would gang up against the personification of Order.
Take your time we will stay around. Glad you are getting some work in. Just don’t push it. ๐
Don’t worry. We can wait, the most important thing for your true fans is that you feel as good as you possibly can. Depression is awful thing and I’d risk saying that it’s a most devastating mental ailment one can have.
Take care. We can wait until you’re done. Just keep us posted so we won’t worry that you took your own life.
Don’t worry, we’ll wait. And every update will make my day.
And whoo boy, Cary is on a rampage! Is that supposed to be smoke coming off of her fist, or a dissipating magic katar or something?
It’ll become clearer as I color it, but it’s smoke, she hadokened the door down.
That’s kinda what I’ve thought, though I’ve seen too many energy blades of various types in fiction to be sure.
Yep, take it at your own pace. Don’t rush it, don’t feel like you have to do anything to please us, just work at your own pace.
Nothing good comes from wrecking the artist. ๐
Oh. This can’t be good. There’s only one reason Cary is there. Remember how she needs a LIVE host for those “runes” she’s working on?
Oh it looks really good in color. badass. ๐
I wonder how she get to keep her revolution power when it is criminal organization against a single woman police force.
She automatically rebels against any authority, good or bad. It doesn’t matter if it’s one person, or an entire army. In fact, sending an army after her only increases the number of casualties.
Looks wonderful! Was certainly worth the wait!
yay, color.
yay, speedball.
The rough draft version only hints at what is in the final version. Good job with the colors! So worth the wait.
Man those colors are beautiful. Totally worth the wait.
Color! ๐
I like that there’s a spark of lightning in Cary’s eye along with the ring surrounding her hand.
Ah, color! Very nice.
All these new comments are really cheering me up, you didn’t abandon me!
Nice touch, showing the swath of destruction behind her.
“But there’s one they fear … in their tongue, she’s Dovakhiin, Dragonborn!” “FUS RO DAH!”
Sorry, it was kinda there … if this was an anime, this bit’d be on YouTube synced to that bit of the Skyrim trailer audio inside a week.