(colorizing) Okay, I just got a new prescription for antidepressants. Hopefully in two weeks or more you people will see a MARKED improvement in my overall ability to produce comics for you! This one-a-week thing is for the birds… Thank you!
(colorizing) Okay, I just got a new prescription for antidepressants. Hopefully in two weeks or more you people will see a MARKED improvement in my overall ability to produce comics for you! This one-a-week thing is for the birds… Thank you!
Shit is about to hit the fan big…
…very effective layout on this one. Especially on my dinky little laptop monitor, where I have to scroll down to see the elevator descending.
Even bigger monitors. That layout really gives a great sense for what’s going down (hehe) that way.
Speed, you can do it! Also, I remember the cyberdungeons, so I guess I’m a nerd for your comic. Thanks for giving me something to love.
Good lord. Cary really wants to break everything. and why is that person not saying a thing? a demon?
Sooo … if the comics will stop making sense, we should call your doctor that it’s not correct kind of antidepressants?
Ah, yes, the tao of villainy. Funny how the urge to do something wrong only seems to increase in relation to how much more wrong it gets.
Don’t you worry! Your health is the most important thing to true fans, so even if we’d get only one comic every year, as long as you’re feeling good, we’re happy.
Yes, Cary. Feed the demons! FEED THEM ALL THE DOOM AND PAIN THEY CAN STOMACH! Then when their army comes after you, breeding more and more with every passing second you can rebel against yourself, bwahahahahaha!
Y’know, when you put it that way, it sounds like a stupid plan.
Parthenogenic… They’re going to create a bunch of clones of themselves?
No. It means they’re going to unleash a rather nasty bio-weapon. The nastiest thing about bio-weapons is that they don’t know when to stop killing.
Or doing whatever this particular one is supposed to do. Killing it’s not, of that I’m sure.
I think we can all guess what Cary’s basic plan is. After all, she’s tried it before, and as far as she’s concerned it worked great. And I, personally, don’t think that it’s a coincidence that her two biggest foes are a Succubus and an Incubus.
Wow wow wow! I’ve been following this comic on The Duck, then it disappeared and I assumed it was on a hiatus forever. I’m so glad I fount it again. Made my day. :3
You won’t have to wait long for the next update, I’m working on it right now! Glad to have you back, Strix!