Perhaps you think it’s out of character for grumpy-bear Honey to laugh so much. Well, Gen’s the only one who was ever able to make her laugh. Hence why they married.
Perhaps you think it’s out of character for grumpy-bear Honey to laugh so much. Well, Gen’s the only one who was ever able to make her laugh. Hence why they married.
the couple really are adorable and uh.. kinky i see. heh. But i am glad to see they are doing fine even they got new forms. the size problem i am sure will be solved.
thumbs up for this page. 🙂
“Why do you think we had six kids?”
D’aww. That’s sweet.
Nah, I’m sure she’ll wind up being at least one or two inches taller than Goro…
Ha! This should definitely happen! 😀
What most bothers me is that Honey’s glasses are still intact.
It’s magic. We don’t have to explain it.
yes BUT miki’s glasses are mangled on the floor AND chande’s glasses are mangled on the floor SO MY IMMERSION IS TOTALLY BROKEN NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Mostly rule of funny. I think a giant wolf woman with tiny glasses is hilarious.
No argument here.
Miki is obviously well used to her parents’ behaviour.
Great work on the expressions and the jokes (even the small stab at Goro)! 😀
Woot! New site banner!
It looks quite good. It’s wider than the old one, but I think it uses the space well. 🙂