Ch 23, Page 03 Jan06 by Speedball on January 6, 2016 at 10:17 am Chapter: 23. Counting Down “That’s concentrated evil! One drop of it will turn you all into hermit crabs!” is still one of my favorite lines.
Now I’m wondering what forms would be least inconvenient for a doctor. Depends on Dr. Songbird’s specialty, of course.
I believe she has a double doctorate in general medicine and transformation based on what we’ve seen her do.
Ah – gotcha. I imagine as long as she’s reasonably nonallergenic and has good tactile sense she should be all right, then.
People would probably freak out a little over a slime doctor. Although that might actually fit those requisites pretty well.
Mm, perhaps. Transformation is reasonably common, though, so people might not have too much trouble with it – hard to say.
Ah… the pinch of doom! 😉
Judging by appearance, the potential forms they will transform into will be positive. I’m guessing dryad is at least one of them.
Oh man. what an awesome Family. it really is touching that they will go that far to save their beloved daugther/son. even to give up to be a human. damn. excuse me.. i got something in my eye. *sniffs*