Agreed – these are really awesome character designs. I can see what Stingra is saying about Goro’s cheeks, but even that works for me. And Aki’s is just awesome.
While I have my reservations to this plot and if it was necessary (Goro and Aki need a break from being the whipping boy characters), the biggest ‘compliaint’ I have is that I don’t think the Pikachu cheeks on Goro should be red if her eyes are going to be red. Both the cheek things and the eyes are larger details and they don’t mesh well and make her look way too busy (the entire color scheme doesn’t help that matter, but it would be less so if the details were spread across her body instead of concentrated in one area.
But yeah, getting back to Goro and Aki…I can’t help but notice they are repeatedly set up with happy, perfect lives and then have it all ripped out from under them. Every time they reach a good place in their character development it’s just more turmoil tossed on them. They needed a break to simply be wife and man with daughter.
One of my own favorite comics once had a habit of totally ruining an otherwise smooth relationship between two characters and I thought the artist was doing it outof spite or needless drama. So don’t think I don’t get where you’re coming from.
Well, you wouldn’t be doing it all if you didn’t have a plan, so again, my biggest worries are just on Goro’s loud and busy design, mainly the Pikachu cheeks.
I have to admit I like that design choice personally. Reminds me of eye-spots on a butterfly.
But complaining that somebody warped into a miss-match to the point their health is critical having a messy design seems to be missing the point a bit.
If anything Goro and Aki’s a bit too HEALTHY looking for what they’er both going through. Seems to me that with how big a deal was made about this and the danger of any further alterations, they should both be a bit more unsymmetrical.
Still, I realize that would be hell to draw consistently going forward, so I get why.
I have a feeling that this disruption won’t last as long or have as big an effect as prior ones. They’ve been through a lot, and Aki has undoubtedly developed mad “Get Goro out of her/his funk” skills by now.
Try shave a whole body on a daily to weekly basis (depending on the hairs growth speed) and you’ll have a clue.
Take into account how comfortable growing hair feels under a layer of clothes and you’ll have a final answer.
Well at first, after being transformed, Hank McCoy had an incredible regenerative power (which didn’t last long). So if he had shaved it off, it would have grown back practically instantly. Also being a superhero, he might not have the time to shave it off.
Weirdly expressive…. whatever’s they are. Awesome.
Agreed – these are really awesome character designs. I can see what Stingra is saying about Goro’s cheeks, but even that works for me. And Aki’s is just awesome.
While I have my reservations to this plot and if it was necessary (Goro and Aki need a break from being the whipping boy characters), the biggest ‘compliaint’ I have is that I don’t think the Pikachu cheeks on Goro should be red if her eyes are going to be red. Both the cheek things and the eyes are larger details and they don’t mesh well and make her look way too busy (the entire color scheme doesn’t help that matter, but it would be less so if the details were spread across her body instead of concentrated in one area.
But yeah, getting back to Goro and Aki…I can’t help but notice they are repeatedly set up with happy, perfect lives and then have it all ripped out from under them. Every time they reach a good place in their character development it’s just more turmoil tossed on them. They needed a break to simply be wife and man with daughter.
One of my own favorite comics once had a habit of totally ruining an otherwise smooth relationship between two characters and I thought the artist was doing it outof spite or needless drama. So don’t think I don’t get where you’re coming from.
Well, you wouldn’t be doing it all if you didn’t have a plan, so again, my biggest worries are just on Goro’s loud and busy design, mainly the Pikachu cheeks.
The cheeks are because she’s now part clown.
I have to admit I like that design choice personally. Reminds me of eye-spots on a butterfly.
But complaining that somebody warped into a miss-match to the point their health is critical having a messy design seems to be missing the point a bit.
If anything Goro and Aki’s a bit too HEALTHY looking for what they’er both going through. Seems to me that with how big a deal was made about this and the danger of any further alterations, they should both be a bit more unsymmetrical.
Still, I realize that would be hell to draw consistently going forward, so I get why.
I have a feeling that this disruption won’t last as long or have as big an effect as prior ones. They’ve been through a lot, and Aki has undoubtedly developed mad “Get Goro out of her/his funk” skills by now.
For my part, I’m glad. I’ve always liked Goro best when she’s short.
It’s funnier when the tough ones are short. See also, Ruby in Steven Universe.
I wonder, is Goro taller (or perhaps even shorter) than she used to be in her initial female body?
I haven’t exactly decided yet, but she’s shorter than everyone else, including Hitomi.
You can’t tell, but I’m chuckling evilly right now. Shortening Goro really activates my schadenfreude instincts.
Man. Goro has… ISSUES.
Fortunately for Goro, Aki has learned to deal with them.
Also it needs to be said: Marshmallow hell!
Goro has still issuses that needs to be worked on. but i think goro will be fine with alot of support and love.
Goro’s current form is furry, yes… but fur can be shaved off.
(why Hank McCoy never tried that, I’ll never understand)
Try shave a whole body on a daily to weekly basis (depending on the hairs growth speed) and you’ll have a clue.
Take into account how comfortable growing hair feels under a layer of clothes and you’ll have a final answer.
Well at first, after being transformed, Hank McCoy had an incredible regenerative power (which didn’t last long). So if he had shaved it off, it would have grown back practically instantly. Also being a superhero, he might not have the time to shave it off.