Needed to completely redo the script for this one, hence the delay. Better to get it right than get it hasty.
So: who says I can’t fanservice both ways?
Needed to completely redo the script for this one, hence the delay. Better to get it right than get it hasty.
So: who says I can’t fanservice both ways?
Well Priscilla won’t grow up the same, and it wasn’t her that attacked, it was the Incubus through her, Kili of all people should be able to recognize the difference.
Still, fear is seldom a rational emotion. It’s also very VISUALLY based, and the thing that attacked and almost killed her was wearing Priscilla’s face. So yeah, adopting Priscilla to another set of parents might be a good idea.
Looks can change.
The sliver of fear still lingers. And that’s not good for a parent.
On the other hand, though, they did make the offer – and they don’t really have a way to talk to the Priscilla to whom they offered to back out. I don’t know where their duty lies, here.
Their duty lies with making sure that baby Priscilla has a loving, stable home.
That much is certainly true.
Ah, the church of man-love, such a holy place to be…
good thing his love didn’t change.
“Beating them off with a stick” almost literally true, that.
Yeah, bishie Kili for the win.
Colors look great!
I wonder what’s on the wall there in Panels 1 and 5 – is that a poster? A video display? An animated poster on a video display?
Once again I’ll be the lone voice of ‘detraction’, but I really hope that the previous break ups are at least somewhat addressed. Yes, soul-mates, blah blah, but narrative wise it would make some sense to touch upon it if only for a single comic of ‘I was scared that you might not want me anymore now that you’re a guy again but oh yay soul-mates it’s all good’.
I’m also going to go on record for saying I really hope that this isn’t being done simply to ‘buck the trope’ and anyone saying ‘oh look it’s another silly TG comics where all the characters were men and got turned into women’. Yes, maybe I’m a tiny bit of a homophobe (just that it makes me feel uncomfortable but you know love is love and love no matter what is good), but it’ll sit better with me if at least /most/ of the couples go back to how they were or at least decide to flip-flop genders.
Though my main concern is that this whole storyline has been written as a ‘ending’. And yes, the metaphorical ‘ending of an era, changing things up’ nonsense, but it does feel like the Dragon Doctors have reached a natural conclusion to their story. Yes, there are still things like finishing up Cary’s story but so much of the dynamic has changed that it might simply not get back what pulled me into the comic’s world in the first place (which it wasn’t the TF stuff, but the sense of adventure). And just to head things off at the pass yes I realize that you can’t just let things stagnate and keep them the same, change has to happen, but it doesn’t feel like it’s coming naturally to the story or characters.
So TLDR, I think Greg’s trauma needs to be addressed, really hope the male on male stuff doesn’t stay or isn’t being done to buck tropes, and that I’ve overall felt very dis-satisfied and am concerned on where the comic is heading.
All of Greg’s previous breakups were addressed in excruciating detail, in a post-crax surgery therapy session with Kili and Goro. We really don’t need to hear any more about them. They’ve moved on and so has Greg. I won’t complain if they do grace the comic in a meaningful way later, but we don’t absolutely need to seem them now.
I really can’t comment on the gender aspects of it, but re: the rest:
1. I get the feeling that Greg’s anxiety tends to flow in when he’s away from his partner – right now, he’s confident because he’s not thinking about what could go wrong.
2. I mmmmay have some behind the scenes knowledge (mua-ha-ha-ha-HA-HA-HA-HA!), but I think this is more an Action Film, Quiet Drama Scene than an ending.
Actually, quick comment on the gender thing: one of the things I really love about The Dragon Doctors is how real the characters feel. And one of the things about real people is that they are not obliged to live their lives in a way that makes you comfortable.