(colorizing) We now return to our heroes…getting their asses kicked. I went through a lot of different ideas for this page which is why, in combination with Real Life, I delayed on this one. Sorry. (It’s also really hard to draw a swarm of rodents!)
(colorizing) We now return to our heroes…getting their asses kicked. I went through a lot of different ideas for this page which is why, in combination with Real Life, I delayed on this one. Sorry. (It’s also really hard to draw a swarm of rodents!)
What, no kitchen sink? 😛
Seriously though, it’s good stuff. 🙂
I’ll be honest.
I expected bees.
Bees. My God.
Here, have 2 internets.
Starting to get quite the collection here. 😉
Rough. The infiltration team needs to get cracking quick.
DO I sense someone who’s chronological age is over 2000 years behind the lase three panels?
There is a spell in the rpg Exalted. A rather high level one. It’s called “Enemy of Nature”.
It basically writes your name into the books of the heavenly bureaucracy as something to be attacked on sight.
Now it doesn’t work on humans or similarily highly developed races. But all the rest.
Animals will senselessly attack you, plants will try to trip or poison you, you get the picture.
The minimum duration of the spell is one month.
I leave the effectiveness of the spell to anyone’s own imagination. I’ll say this though: It is absolutely brutal.
That’s when you move to the inner city and hope you never meet anyone walking a dog.
Do you have any idea just how many insects, rats, birds and such live in the inner city? It’s basically serving yourself on a silver platter
Do you have any idea just how many insects, rats, birds, and such live in the middle of an inhospitable desert? If an inner city is not survivable, nowhere on Earth is survivable.
…which might be part of the point, come to think.
Closing yourself of in a nearly hermetically sealed room is about the only way to survive unless for the most powerful beings. Provisions might become a problem though. 😉
Not to mention the caster might have set the spell duration on “till death”.
Are there any charms that provide sustenance, or allow you to live without eating and breathing? Are there also any charms that allow you to surround yourself with impenetrable ice that is survivable, or fire, or some other impassable to animals/nature barrier?
There are charms to flash freeze entire cities if that helps. (See Crax storyline.)
There are charms that might help. So a decently strong exalted with suitable powers has a chance to survive. It’s not very good though.
“Good” art (in my opinion) is inferior to good story I will always take something that is written well and drawn “poorly ” over something drawn well that has a poor story
Definitely another person in favor of good story.
The good news about scenes with Mori in them is that they’re just THAT much easier* to colorize! 😉
(*not actually any easier since you still have to choose the proper shades of gray…)
And now swoops in Ma-Ti to save the day! http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_small/0/6535/1761538-mati04.jpg
“By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet” Ma-ti?
Yep, Ma-ti doesn’t normally use his powers in that manner but he can control animals. A good example is shown in the comic reviewed here http://blip.tv/at4w/at4w-captain-planet-and-the-planeteers-3-2110754
Realistically it’s more likely to be the nymph whose name is escaping me, but I couldn’t resist the silly comment path ^_^
Or Rhina who can talk to animals
I though Ma-Ti sacrificed himself to save us all from Malachite and his Powerglove?
It didn’t stick. He was perfectly fine next episode.
Rodents! NOOO! xD
Sorry for not finishing this sooner, I had another long, boring, draining 12-hour workday today.
Work is work. Take your time if needed, we’re a patient bunch.