My hand has recovered, however, most of my comic-making time this weekend was taken up by needing to do important Family Paperwork. I’m sure you understand. Anyway…I’m going to have three on-time comics this week, no worries. (though I am putting up the BW now as I still need to do MORE PAPERWORK ARRRGH). And you’ll be pleased to know I’m collaborating with Merlin on a BIG project that we are both excited about, a sort of spiritual spinoff to Dragon Doctors in the same setting, about magic cops fighting extremely chaotic magic. EXTREMELY chaotic.
YES! Glad to hear your hand is better. Hand and joint injuries suck in general. Good luck with the new collaboration!
Werewolf Godzilla. Well this is going to be really interesting. In the Chinese way 🙂
And since she’s in rage mode, turning her male wold solve… exactly nothing. Good job.
No. They need to turn her male first, and THEN they can calm her with the “knife to the head” trick. If they try it the other way, the Incubus will just undo the calming, and keep undoing the calming until somebody dies.
And even if the incubus wouldn’t undo the calming, the incubus would make her keep attacking.
Well, there’s always at least A succubus. I wonder what the method of possession is?
Dude. It’s (drumroll) SEX! This has been established and repeated frequently. Ambassador Worm threatened Sairn with this. Kali was shown being propositioned by some guy with a face covered in glyphs (indicative of a demon), and Speedball has mentioned it in the coments a few times.
Well, if she’s already a werewolf, that means that if she survives this and goes for the reset button treatment, that they can adopt her! 😀
If she’s hypersensitive to magic, and Elka makes her a dude … she’s gonna be hung like Ron Jeremy.
Cause she’s hypersensitive, wouldn’t turning her male do more than just that? I mean sure the spell has a defined end, however that didn’t stop the blue eyes spell from turning her completely blue…
Don’t tattoos dull her hypersensitivity a whole lot?
They do.
….. damn. giant werewolf? awesome. just pure awesomness. xD
Don’t feel bad about taking a break if your hand demands it – your health is more important than three comics a week. 🙂
(Also: ugh paperwork, yay collaborations!)
ooh, i like the idea of you having a second comic, so I will have more to read…
Ok,now the need to build a giant wood mecha and i can still get my Werwolf vs. Wood Mecha battle.
Ugh. Paperwork can be a bitch. But glad to hear your hand is better.
But yeah, since the control of an Incubus or Succubus seems to hang on the controlled persons gender, changing that would be the quick and easy way to expel them.
Quick and easy of course being relative here, seeing as not everyone is able to do it.