Hmmmm……….Does the Shadowrun setting allow for the creation of holographic spell matrices? The reason I ask is that instead of a scroll gun you could instead create a holographic projector gun that creates a hologram of the pattern for a scroll which it then channels mystical energy through to activate the pattern. By doing this you wouldn’t actually need a large supply of scrolls to use it, instead it could have a bunch of scroll patterns in a memory chip allowing you to quickly switch between and utilize whatever scroll was most appropriate to the situation. Obviously it’d need to drain mystical energy from some type of a source to be effective, but a simple way of countering that is each use of it drains a spell usage of equivalent strength from the wielder. Yeah, it’d need you to be a spell caster to use it, but it would allow you to specialize heavily in one area of magic while having access to all of the other areas.
Have to admit a scroll gun is one of my favorite ideas I have come across, so simple yet makes so much sense in a magically technological world.
I should see if I can make something similar in a shadowrun game
Hmmmm……….Does the Shadowrun setting allow for the creation of holographic spell matrices? The reason I ask is that instead of a scroll gun you could instead create a holographic projector gun that creates a hologram of the pattern for a scroll which it then channels mystical energy through to activate the pattern. By doing this you wouldn’t actually need a large supply of scrolls to use it, instead it could have a bunch of scroll patterns in a memory chip allowing you to quickly switch between and utilize whatever scroll was most appropriate to the situation. Obviously it’d need to drain mystical energy from some type of a source to be effective, but a simple way of countering that is each use of it drains a spell usage of equivalent strength from the wielder. Yeah, it’d need you to be a spell caster to use it, but it would allow you to specialize heavily in one area of magic while having access to all of the other areas.
Heh. It reminds me of the Caster Gun from Outlaw Star.
It’s a gun that shoots magic spells via special cartridges.
This is quite novel. Well done, well done!
Attention! Your clothes has apparently failed to cover significant amount of areas of your body.