In some cases like this, there are times I for no reason imagine an unknown character walking in and out with advice like “that’s why people defy talent with perseverance, inspiration is only hindered by doubt after all.” And by the time he’s out of sight, he’s completely gone.
But then this character is only someone I imagine up every now and then.
And don’t forget being a professional critic. The two biggest qualifications to being a critic are recognizing what makes one thing great and another not great and not being able to make it yourself.
In some cases like this, there are times I for no reason imagine an unknown character walking in and out with advice like “that’s why people defy talent with perseverance, inspiration is only hindered by doubt after all.” And by the time he’s out of sight, he’s completely gone.
But then this character is only someone I imagine up every now and then.
Curating! Perhaps forgery identification!
And don’t forget being a professional critic. The two biggest qualifications to being a critic are recognizing what makes one thing great and another not great and not being able to make it yourself.
Isn’t Greg a critic? Maybe he can help her out.