Okay, so trying to go back and colorize every single uncolored page is slowing me down, way too much. Forgive me folks, but I need to push forward, not spin my wheels in place. I’m still going to colorize certain key pages in the future, but this isn’t one of them. UGGGH. I feel so ashamed.
Hey Speed, this is jester-tlf from deviantart and I thought I’d comment since I haven’t done so in… I can’t even remember, huh… oh well!
People shouldn’t beat themselves up over a detail that will perhaps be worked on again just because they felt in such a mood, me I’ve went and looked back on my past works and done so and noticed that there were some past styles or techniques that that I can put to better use today than back then.
(This is kinda all I got because I’m having difficulty getting to sleep and its 3:22 AM, so I’m a little not all here at the present).
P.S. I will likely not reply if this comment is replied to.