Attempting to set up a Patreon page, as I’ve told you guys, which means I’ll need to make and post a bad Youtube video where I beg you guys for money in person. I’m thinking out different funding rewards. $1 a month is eternal gratitude, $3 would be early-access, $5 would get you access to my monthly failed idea storehouse where I put up lots of sketches and story fragments for things I haven’t done or could still do, and $10 a month would put you in a small raffle to be a character in the background–and if you’d want to get turned into anything, you’d let me know. Hee hee hee. Do these sound like reasonable rewards/goals? Let me know!
I really don’t know Patreon – I approve of anything that helps you do your thing, though!
I wonder if it would make sense to use the BW sketch versions for the Patreon early access page. It would mean less waiting to upload for you (because some of the delay between early-access and public-post would be spent coloring) and it’d give the Patreon fans behind-the-scenes bonus material at the same time.
Yeah, that’s what I was thinking…