Chapter 16: The Things That Don't Change
Ch 16, Page 20
Okay, Sam needs her own spinoff, right? Soon as I get a good excuse I’m doing a spinoff chapter with Sam.
Ch 16, Page 19
Blue isn’t a walking piece of jewelry. She’s not just a cop that looks kind of like a statue. She’s an alien from a dimension where they have wildlife capable of shooting laser beams. Pretty shocking to see this ugly[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ch 16, Page 18
Sam barges into the narrative the same way she barged into my mind. Yeah, the last comic made it look like Blue was all alone…and then as if to refute that Sam explodes into being saying “NO! She’s NOT alone!”[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ch 16, Page 17
Probably the creepiest thing, to me, about Frankie is how he acts like murder is just a game. He’s distant enough from it all that he’s never gotten blood on him.
Ch 16, Page 16
Ch 16, Page 15
I don’t really draw it well, but Blue’s body is full of parts that tesselate, fold against each other or morph slightly, hence the trunk at her base becoming legs.
Ch 16, Page 14
Y’know, the new villain doesn’t look all that villainous, and that was kind of the point. He’s got incredible power, but he’s just a punk.
Ch 16, Page 13
Ch 16, Page 12
No more nudity for now, just cop drama. I’m not so sure I should have killed Udo Larko off-screen, but…
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